Spinal Manipulation/Mobilization No Better Than Placebo

The Pain PT Blog

New study out- randomized clinical trial for chronic low back. The placebo in this study was a cold laser machine that wasn’t even turned on!!!

More evidence to show chronic pain is more likely influenced by changes in the brain and nervous system vs acute pain where there are typical changes from tissue injury. We should direct our attention to the brain and neural pathways when treating chronic pain and moving away from physical treatments, as the reason for a lot of chronic pain is different from acute pain.

Question: What is the comparative effectiveness of spinal manipulation compared with spinal mobilization relative to a placebo control in reducing pain and disability in chronic low back pain?

Findings: In this randomized clinical trial that included 162 young adults, there was no difference in reduction of pain and disability when comparing spinal manipulation to spinal mobilization relative to the placebo control treatment.

Meaning: Neither spinal manipulation nor mobilization appeared to be an effective intervention for young adults with mild to moderate chronic low back pain.
