RE-Training Your Brain Out Of Chronic Pain & Symptoms

Here I go over in a video some of RE- words that are the essence of the brain re-training classes that I will be offering starting in February. If you are interested, you can learn more in the link here. Enrollment will be open beginning February 1st and you can sign up at anytime after that date for a single class or a package of classes good for 30 days.
The goal is to re-train the brain to feel safe by reducing internal threat and danger by working in the following areas with weekly dedicated practice:
-Re-consolidation of traumatic/stressful memories that still live in the brain and affect us now. This is called memory re-consolidation.
-Re-minding the brain we are OK Through knowledge/understanding- by compiling & Updating & Reviewing Evidence and Win Lists
-Re-assuring our limbic brain (creating safety) by integrating soothing compassionate self-talk (replacing NAT’s (negative automatic thoughts) that bug us with PAT’s (positive assuring thoughts) that settle us
-Re-specting ourselves and building our self-worth through fierce self-compassion practices
-Re-directing our attention away from symptoms (threat) and onto something positive (safety) to reduce hypervigilance
-Re-laxation training to activate the healing rest and digest Parasympathetic state. Practice deepening the re-laxation re-sponse in yourself
-Re-ducing both avoidance and safety behaviors by facing them through both imaginative and then real exposure training
-Re-shaping the future via positive visualization, imagination, and expectation practices to reduce negative learned expectations, associations, predictive coding in the brain
-Re-gulating emotions by building skills in emotional awareness, affect labeling (expression), window of tolerance, and affect tolerance
-Re-framing or what’s called cognitive appraisal- of triggers, situations, things that stress you- looking at them with a different positive perspective
-Re-processing of somatic sensations via practice of PRT (pain re-processing therapy)
-Re-ducing coping personality traits and learned patterns that no longer serve us
We want to do the work with:
-Re-petition- we need to do these things consistently to re-wire the brain out of old learned patterns. Hence the weekly guided practice.
-Re-solve- with determination and persistence we can re-train the brain out of pain and other symptoms.
With the purpose to:
-Re-gain what we’ve lost
-Re-wiring our brains into a greater state of safety
-Re-turn to the things we enjoy and love
-Re-claim our lives
Doing all this leads to: