Mind-Body Healing & Upcoming SIRPA Conference

The Pain PT Blog

As many of you know, I am a physiotherapist and mind-body coach. I am also a SIRPA practitioner and trained under Georgie Oldfield, who is the founder of SIRPA (Stress Illness Recovery Practitioners’ Association) and a fellow a physiotherapist. Georgie created this fantastic organization based on the pioneering work of the late great Dr. John Sarno. 

Georgie and SIRPA have put together an upcoming conference on September 24th that I want to share with you. It’s going to be a big day with many of the top leaders in this mind-body field speaking and sharing the latest in research and clinical applications of how to heal from chronic pain and chronic illness. Three of the leading MD’s in this mind-body space will be presenting: Dr. David Clarke, Dr. Howard Schubiner, and Dr. David Hanscom. I am very excited to be attending myself and will be making a short cameo appearance to lead a 10 minute somatic practice. 

If you are interested in attending, you can do so in person in the UK or you can attend virtually anywhere in the world. The recording will be up for 30 days after the conference if you can’t make it live. Click on this link or the one above to learn more.