Evidence of the Week: 10 Back Myths vs. 10 Back Facts

I’m starting a series in 2025 called Evidence of the Week. Each week I will go over some research that is of interest and supports the work we are doing here on looking at and treating the brain and nervous system with chronic health conditions. Today I talk about back pain, dispelling 10 myths that many believe are true about their backs. Check out the youtube vid below to learn more.
Here are the 10 Facts:
- Persistent back pain can be scary, but it’s rarely dangerous.
- Getting older is not a cause of back pain.
- Persistent back pain is rarely associated with serious tissue damage.
- Scans rarely show the cause of back pain.
- Pain with exercise and movement doesn’t mean you are doing harm.
- Back pain is not caused by poor posture.
- Back pain is not caused by a weak core.
- Backs do not wear out with everyday loading and bending.
- Pain flare-ups don’t mean you are damaging yourself.
- Injections, surgery, and strong drugs usually aren’t a cure.