The Pain PT News
Your Autonomic Nervous System Plays a Role in Chronic Pain
Today I go over a study that looked at the role of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in chronic pain. There are definite links between alterations and dysregulation in the ANS and people with chronic.…
Evidence of the Week: 10 Back Myths vs. 10 Back Facts
I'm starting a series in 2025 called Evidence of the Week. Each week I will go over some research that is of interest and supports the work we are doing here on looking at and treating the brain and nervous…
An example of how the brain can produce severe physical symptoms
I wanted to share (via permission) from a patient of mine an example of how the brain can quickly produce severe physical symptoms with absolutely zero injury or physical cause. And also how these same…
2 personality traits associated with chronic pain from 120 years of research
Research has identified a pain personality that is common amongst people suffering from chronic pain. Dr. Sarno, who many of you know, also identified common personality traits that he saw in his patients…
How Your Attention Impacts the Placebo & Nocebo Effect
Placebo and nocebo are real physiological effects generated by our brains. They have the power to turn symptoms on, up, or down. Past research has found our expectations (positive and negative) are the…
Study: Work Psychological Factors Increase Risk for Back Pain
In the early 2000's, I started to think more deeply about chronic pain and other chronic symptoms that were not getting better through traditional physical therapy (physiotherapy). I was working in an…
Avoiding behaviors because of symptoms generalizes to other behaviors
I wanted to highlight how fear of movement because of a symptom (like pain) can generalize to other safe movements from the learning mechanisms in the brain. This is called avoidance generalization. This…
Trauma increases the risk of somatic symptoms by 2.7 times
This was a nice review paper looking at how psychological trauma affects functional somatic symptoms (FSS) in the body. Functional means no specific identifiable medical cause is found in the body. What…
Study: “Beliefs about the unacceptability of emotions and emotional suppression relate to worse outcomes in fibromyalgia”
This 2017 study looked at the relationship between beliefs about emotions, emotional suppression, and the global impact it has on fibromyalgia patients. Fibromyalgia is one of the conditions that has its…
Study: “The interaction between stress and chronic pain through the lens of threat learning.”
Chronic pain or chronic somatic symptoms are not the same as acute pain or acute somatic symptoms. Chronic symptoms are typically maladaptive and don't represent a true threat in the body (like an acute…
The role of insecure attachment & alexithymia in somatic symptoms
This was a nice study showing how having an insecure attachment to a parental figure from childhood becomes a risk factor to having medically unexplained somatic symptoms (MUSS) later in adulthood. The…
Is Muscuoloskeletal Pain or Arthritis Related to Changes in Weather?
Many people believe the weather has an impact on their pain or arthritis symptoms. This was a great review study looking at exactly that. Titled "Come rain or shine: Is weather a risk factor for musculoskeletal…
How many ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences) are associated with chronic disease?
There have been many studies linking the role of ACE's to chronic disease later in life. I wanted to share a 2023 study here that looked to identify a cut-point for the number of ACE's that would have…
Study: Lack of identifying emotions and its role in chronic pain
One of the areas in chronic pain that's not as talked about is the role of identifying emotions and how the lack of knowing what you are feeling emotionally may emerge physically as somatic symptoms. Difficulty…
Anxiety associated with autoimmune diseases
This 2023 review study found an association between anxiety and autoimmune disorders. In fact what the meta-analysis found was that individuals experiencing anxiety were 1.28 times more likely to develop…
Mind Over Matter: How Your Perceptions Shape Your Health
Mind over matter? I found these two studies linked here very interesting as they show the power of the mind alone in affecting our health. I will talk about these in a moment. First I find it fascinating…
Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors
When I think of the brain's role in somatic symptoms, I think of three main outputs the brain can produce that will affect symptoms: 1) thoughts 2) emotions, and 3) behaviors. The brain is continually…
Emotion Regulation Strategies & the Pain Experience
I want to review this new study that came out recently (May 2024) in the Clinical Journal of Pain. The results showed how we deal with emotions in real time can have an immediate effect on our pain experience.…
Are People with Chronic Pain Overthinking the Meaning of Their Pain?
Let's look at a new 2024 research paper that reviewed and looked at the neuroscience data on the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) in chronic pain. The authors "suggest an updated model…
Chronic Pain Rewires Circuits in the Cortical Brain
Here'a a 2017 study from New York University that found "that chronic pain rewires circuits in a brain region called the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) to increase “aversion,” the amount of attention…