Meet Your Instructor
Jim Prussack, MPT, MMT
Jim Prussack MPT, MMT is a licensed physical therapist and pain coach who has been treating pain for over 20 years. He specializes in chronic pain and chronic health issues using a brain and nervous system approach. Jim received his Physical Therapy Degree from Emory University USA and a subsequent additional physiotherapy degree from Curtin University in Australia. Jim has also spent time and trained with many leaders in the pain field and is well-versed in an evidenced-based mind-body approach to healing.
Website: The Pain PT
What Is Included?
Who can benefit from The Pain PT Group Sessions?
Weekly Group Practice Sign Up
Weekly Group Sessions
Weekly Zoom Meetings
Wednesdays 10am-12pm Pacific/California time (day/time may vary slightly)
per calendar month, e.g. the month of March
- You will be billed immediately upon signup. If you join mid-month you will receive recordings of sessions that already took place that month.
- Billing is not recurring so no need to cancel. Just sign up for the months you want to join.
- Sessions will be recorded so you can access them at any time if you are unable to attend live or missed previous weeks in the month.
Sign Up Here
This cost covers all recorded video and audio weekly sessions for that month.