Feeling Safe, Feeling Well 8 Week Course- Sign Up!

The Pain PT Blog
Psychotherapist Julie Markowitz and myself Jim Prussack PT are teaming up to offer a 8 week course on healing chronic pain and other chronic health ailments starting in January 2021. The course is titled: ‘Feeling Safe, Feeling Well.’ There is such a need for this type of work as we know changes in the brain and nervous system underlie a lot of chronic health issues.
We will be teaching you the underlying principles and research backed reasons why the brain and nervous system continue to create your chronic health symptoms and then how you can get better using practical and direct ways of changing your brain and nervous system. Join us on this journey or please let others know who are suffering. We are excited this to you guys!!!
Course Sign-up Link
We also have a few videos and have done a podcast about the upcoming course if you would to check them out.