The Pain PT Blog

Improve Your Chronic Pain By Doing the Very Things That Cause Your Pain

One of the principles I use with treating chronic pain is exposure therapy. This involves doing the very things that cause pain. If we can learn to do these things from a different mental perspective (move…
The Pain PT Blog

How Does Self-Efficacy Affect Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain?

Self-efficacy is your belief in your own abilities to deal with various situations. Wanted to share a Journal of Pain 2018 review study that compiled data from 27 previous studies on self-efficacy and…
The Pain PT Blog

The Nocebo and its Effects on Your Health

I see the Nocebo effect in so many of my chronic pain and chronic health patients. It's not talked about as much as it should, even though we have solid research it plays a big part in health symptoms.…
The Pain PT Blog

More On The Power of Beliefs

I have never forgotten a quote I read years ago that said: 'What you believe is what your life will be.' I wanted to share this study from Stanford which shows how beliefs directly impact physiology.…
The Pain PT Blog

Beliefs Are Numero Uno for Changing Your Brain

Nice summary in link below by Dr. Siegel from Harvard about the power of the placebo. What is the placebo: Your beliefs. With chronic pain that doesn't go away, we know the brain has been shown to be a…
The Pain PT Blog

What do IBS, chronic widespread pain, & chronic fatigue have in common?

Irritable bowel, chronic widespread pain, chronic fatigue and related syndromes are prevalent and highly overlapping in the general population. This is the title of a new 2020 study, which just reaffirms…
The Pain PT Blog

Is flexing your spine to lift a risk factor for low back pain?

Research evidence in 9 of 11 studies show that lifting with a flexed (bent over) spine is NOT a risk factor for low back pain. We need more studies but what the current research says falls in line with…
The Pain PT Blog

3 Game Changing Concepts of Pain

Great to see more and more awareness coming forth in our PT profession about the understanding of pain, how we think about it, and how we treat it. Recent Feb 2020 article titled: What have Pain Sciences…
The Pain PT Blog

Shoulder MRI’s in Asymptomatic elite volleyball athletes shows extensive ‘pathology’

Here's a recent 2019 study showing that Olympic level volleyball players who are playing with no symptoms have extensive "pathology" in the shoulder. The reason I share these studies is to educate people…
The Pain PT Blog

Catastrophizing A Predictor Of Chronic Pain After Knee Replacement

What better study to show the power of negative thinking (catastrophizing) and how it can contribute to chronic pain than looking at people who have had a whole knee joint replaced but continue to have…