The Pain PT Blog

Fibromyalgia and Emotion Regulation Difficulties

2020 study out of Europe looking at fibromyalgia and how these people have a harder time dealing with their emotions.  As we know how we deal with emotions affects pain levels. Emotions are the biggest…
The Pain PT Blog

Emotional Awareness Reduces IBS Pain

Let's continue with the science around emotions and now IBS. Study Titled: "Higher Emotional Awareness Is Associated With Reduced Pain in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients: Preliminary Results" Conclusions This…
The Pain PT Blog

What Is the Relationship between Pain and Emotion? 

Great to see these guys out of Stanford put out an article asking the scientific and medical community to bridge the gap between pain and emotion, as we have severed the mind from the body with pain for…
The Pain PT Blog

Alexithymia Predicts Persistent Pain After Breast Surgery

Very interesting study that shows 'Alexithymia' was the only factor that predicted chronic pain 12 months after breast surgery. I call alexithymia the most important unknown word in chronic pain. It is…
The Pain PT Blog

Anger Repression Linked to Asthma in Adolescents

2020 study showing again how when we hold emotions in they can cause and exacerbate physical problems. In this case, anger repression and less anger expression was linked to asthma in adolescents. One…
The Pain PT Blog

The Link between Emotions and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Researchers at Penn State University have found that emotions themselves can act as stressors to create inflammation and pain in the body. In this study they found a link between emotions and rheumatoid…
The Pain PT Blog

Emotional Awareness & Expression Therapy For Chronic Pain

One of the things to closely look at with chronic pain and chronic health issues are emotions.  As I have talked about before, the definition of pain is an 'unpleasant sensory and emotional experience'.…
The Pain PT Blog

Suppressed Anger Leads to Greater Pain

One of the most important things I look at with people in chronic pain is their emotion regulation style. Remember the definition if pain is a "sensory and emotional experience." The more chronic the pain…
The Pain PT Blog

The Power of Placebo Injections(Mind) on the Knee(Body)

The power of fake knee injections is real and lasting in people with knee osteoarthritis(OA). See study link below. What is this? It's called the placebo, but it's really the power of your mind. It is…
The Pain PT Blog

Running is Actually Good for Your Osteoarthritic Knees

People have this belief that running is bad for their knees. And especially for knees with osteoarthritis. Well this systematic review of more than 1200 people over the age of 50 puts this belief to bed.…