The Pain PT Blog

What Causes Pain To Become Chronic?

New study November 2020 that looked at 375 women coming to an inner city emergency department for acute pain.  They followed these people for 3 months. 162 people still had pain at the end of 3 months…
The Pain PT Blog

Changes in the Brain Predict Chronic Low Back Pain a Year Later

This is one of those research articles I refer to often. It's titled: 'Predicting transition to chronic pain'. What is so interesting about this research is they did brain scans at the time of an acute…
The Pain PT Blog

Abnormal Amygdala Connections With Chronic Pain

The Amygdala is known as the emotional center of the brain. It has been implicated in anxiety and depression and now studies are clearly showing it is implicated with chronic pain. This study showed exactly…
The Pain PT Blog

What Happens in the Brain with Pain Catastrophizing?

Pain Catastrophizing is a 'tendency to magnify and ruminate about pain and having a helpless attitude toward actual or anticipated pain.' Studies show that people who catastrophize about their pain have…
The Pain PT Blog

Mindfulness Changes Brain Centers Linked With Chronic Pain

Article titled: "The Neuroscience of Mindfulness: How Mindfulness Alters the Brain and Facilitates Emotion Regulation" Some of the same areas of the brain that become weak (prefrontal cortex, etc) or overactive…
The Pain PT Blog

The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Chronic Pain

When looking at the brain's impact on chronic pain, we have to look to the prefrontal cortex. 2020 review of the research says: 'Its predominant role in aversive learning and memory puts the medial prefrontal…
The Pain PT Blog

Intolerance of Uncertainty Leads To More Pain

July 2020 publication in the Journal 'Pain' looking at what's called Intolerance of uncertainty (IU), which the study authors state is 'a dispositional fear of the unknown'  and is related to anxiety…
The Pain PT Blog

Fibromyalgia and Emotion Regulation Difficulties

2020 study out of Europe looking at fibromyalgia and how these people have a harder time dealing with their emotions.  As we know how we deal with emotions affects pain levels. Emotions are the biggest…
The Pain PT Blog

Emotional Awareness Reduces IBS Pain

Let's continue with the science around emotions and now IBS. Study Titled: "Higher Emotional Awareness Is Associated With Reduced Pain in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients: Preliminary Results" Conclusions This…
The Pain PT Blog

What Is the Relationship between Pain and Emotion? 

Great to see these guys out of Stanford put out an article asking the scientific and medical community to bridge the gap between pain and emotion, as we have severed the mind from the body with pain for…