Entries by The Pain PT

‘Worried Sick’- How Anxiety Causes Symptoms

I see a lot of people with what is being called ‘Worried Sick’. It’s where health anxiety (fear) is the driving force behind symptoms. Excessive worry, hypervigilance, combined with being an empathatic and highly sensitive person (HSP) can lead to a multitude of physical symptoms that are actually just health anxiety. Anxiety is the cause […]

The Importance of Interoception to your Health

Interoception is not a word that many are familiar with but it can have a big impact on your health. Interoception is the ability to ‘tune in’ to your body signals and notice what’s arising in your body sensations in an accurate way. A loss of interoception ability is highly linked with emotion regulation difficulties, […]

Study: The Association of Depression and Anxiety with Pain

Authors of this study with 3000 people state that chronic pain is common in up to 70% of patients with depressive and anxiety disorders. We need to be screening for and treating both anxiety and depression as main driving factors in chronic pain. Anxiety and depression ARE emotions (fear, anger, sadness) so a big part […]

Recovering from Chronic Burning Pain

Sharing a fantastic recovery story by Dan, who has overcome so much: first spinal surgery to remove a tumor that basically paralyzed him for awhile. Then subsequent burning pain that sidelined him from living life and even being able to wear t-shirts. He found out about the brain and nervous system and Dr. Sarno- TMS […]

The Role of the Nervous System in Chronic Health Issues

The role of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) in chronic health disorders is massive. In this video I  share a study which I link below which reviews a lot of the research from heart rate variability studies which shows dysregulation of the ANS- namely an inability to activate and stay in the parasympathetic rest and […]

Simply Sit With Yourself

Getting in touch with our feelings involves stopping and sitting with ourselves. See what’s bubbling up in terms of sensations. Be Ok with that. This is allowing the expression of what you are feeling or feeling your feelings.  

Chronic Pain is an Emotion

We have more and more research showing that chronic pain involves the emotional centers of the brain. We also know anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD, trauma, all can cause somatic symptoms in the body. Chronic pain that does not have a structural cause is more likely to be emotional than physical. The definition of pain is […]

Normal ‘Abnormalities’ on Imaging Scans

Here I show two infographic posters showing that many changes we see on imaging scans can just be normal age related changes we all have as we get older and not necessarily associated with pain. Like I have mentioned before a lot of chronic pain and chronic health issues can be the result of a […]