Archive for month: August, 2024

The role of insecure attachment & alexithymia in somatic symptoms

This was a nice study showing how having an insecure attachment to a parental figure from childhood becomes a risk factor to having medically unexplained somatic symptoms (MUSS) later in adulthood. The…

Is Muscuoloskeletal Pain or Arthritis Related to Changes in Weather?

Many people believe the weather has an impact on their pain or arthritis symptoms. This was a great review study looking at exactly that. Titled "Come rain or shine: Is weather a risk factor for musculoskeletal…

How many ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences) are associated with chronic disease?

There have been many studies linking the role of ACE's to chronic disease later in life. I wanted to share a 2023 study here that looked to identify a cut-point for the number of ACE's that would have…