Archive for month: March, 2024

The Pain PT Blog

Somatization in those with chronic symptoms

Wanted to touch on somatization again here as it's something that is a focus point of the work I do with people with chronic somatic symptoms. According to this research paper, "more than one-third of…
The Pain PT Blog

Insecure Attachment From Childhood Linked to Somatic Symptoms

What is Somatization? Creating a sense of safety and security within ourselves is important for our brain and nervous system to settle and relax, which helps to reduce somatic symptoms in the body. Research…
The Pain PT Blog

Social pain and physical pain similar in the brain

A study at University of Michigan found that 'physical pain and intense feelings of social rejection “hurt” in the same way'. Social psychologist Ethan Kross states: "We found that powerfully inducing…