Archive for month: October, 2022

The Pain PT Blog

FEEL your feelings

When we are dealing with chronic symptoms or symptoms that have no physical structural origin, we are likely dealing with stress or emotional symptoms in the body. The approach to treating these symptoms…
The Pain PT Blog

Best Mindfulness/Emotion Regulation Strategies

This 2018 study  looked at the association between mindfulness and emotion regulation and the best strategies that emerged out of these two approaches. Because a lot of chronic pain has its roots in the…
The Pain PT Blog

Affect Tolerance or Feeling our Feelings

Affect tolerance is a term we use to indicate how much emotion or feeling in our bodies we can sit and tolerate with without needing to shut it down. This is a crucial skill we want to learn when we have…
The Pain PT Blog

Feeling your Feelings Creates Healing

One of the things you know I talk about is the overlap between emotions and pain or physical symptoms. The very definition of pain has the word 'emotional' in it. All physical pain or symptoms activates…