Recovering from Chronic Burning Pain
Sharing a fantastic recovery story by Dan, who has overcome so much: first spinal surgery to remove a tumor that basically paralyzed him for awhile. Then subsequent burning pain that sidelined him from…
The Role of the Nervous System in Chronic Health Issues
The role of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) in chronic health disorders is massive. In this video I share a study which I link below which reviews a lot of the research from heart rate variability…
Simply Sit With Yourself
Getting in touch with our feelings involves stopping and sitting with ourselves. See what's bubbling up in terms of sensations. Be Ok with that. This is allowing the expression of what you are feeling…
Chronic Pain is an Emotion
We have more and more research showing that chronic pain involves the emotional centers of the brain. We also know anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD, trauma, all can cause somatic symptoms in the body.…