Archive for month: August, 2020

The Pain PT Blog

Relax Into Instead of Resisting or Reacting To Chronic Pain

One of the biggest issues with chronic pain and other chronic health ailments is that the sympathethic fight or flight nervous system is commonly in overdrive. We need to learn to activate the parasympathetic…
The Pain PT Blog

No Particular Treatment is Better For Acute Low Back Pain

This was a systematic review for Acute low back pain. Basically nothing was shown to be better than the other. What it tells me is the body heals by itself, not by a certain treatment. We just need to…
The Pain PT Blog

Stress: The Biggest Cause of Health Complaints No One Addresses

Stress affects us in so many ways physically. Mental and emotional stress can be invisible to us as stress itself but it's clearly visible in the body as physical health symptoms. This is the most common…
The Pain PT Blog

Spinal Manipulation/Mobilization No Better Than Placebo

New study out- randomized clinical trial for chronic low back. The placebo in this study was a cold laser machine that wasn't even turned on!!! More evidence to show chronic pain is more likely influenced…