Archive for month: February, 2020

The Pain PT Blog

Shoulder MRI’s in Asymptomatic elite volleyball athletes shows extensive ‘pathology’

Here's a recent 2019 study showing that Olympic level volleyball players who are playing with no symptoms have extensive "pathology" in the shoulder. The reason I share these studies is to educate people…
The Pain PT Blog

Catastrophizing A Predictor Of Chronic Pain After Knee Replacement

What better study to show the power of negative thinking (catastrophizing) and how it can contribute to chronic pain than looking at people who have had a whole knee joint replaced but continue to have…
The Pain PT Blog

MRI Knee Abnormalities Found in Many People Without Symptoms

New 2020 research study looked at 220 asymptomatic knees with MRI scans. What they found just adds more evidence to what we already know: structural 'abnormalities' do not cause pain in a lot of people. Here's…